
General Terms and Conditions Hotel


the company "HC40 Hôtel Convention 40", a French company with a share capital of €10,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number Paris B 820 200 822 and whose registered office is located at 63 avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris; telephone number 01 89 89 40 40 (hereinafter referred to as "Hotel Quinzerie

Scope of application. These general terms and conditions (GTC) apply to all reservations, accommodation services and ancillary services set out below, between the Company and one or more persons reserving an accommodation service in the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as "the Customer") or actually benefiting from said service at the Hotel (hereinafter "the Beneficiary"). The person actually residing at the Hotel, whether Client or Beneficiary, is hereinafter referred to as "the Host". The T&Cs are binding on Clients and Hosts.

The Company reserves the right to modify its T&Cs at any time, without any retroactive effect on reservations or services subscribed to or performed or in the process of being performed, except for mandatory legal adaptations that are immediately applicable. The special conditions concluded between the Company and the Client, in the event of a conflict, take precedence over the T&Cs.

The T&Cs apply to all reservations and services, whether subscribed to directly at the Hotel, or via the Site (including by referral to an online reservation module operated by a third party), or by exchanging emails with the Company or through third parties (platform or reservation center, travel agency, etc.).

They apply to individual reservations of 4 rooms at a time. Beyond that, group conditions will apply.

Declarations by the Client. The Customer certifies that he/she is of legal age and has the capacity to contract with the Company and make the reservation in his/her name and on his/her behalf as well as in the name or on behalf of or for the benefit of the Beneficiaries. The Customer declares that he/she uses the Site, where applicable, in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions. The Customer guarantees the sincerity and accuracy of the information and data, concerning both the Customer and the Beneficiaries, provided during or for the purpose of the reservation. The Customer undertakes to inform the Beneficiaries of the conditions applicable to their reservation and their stay in the Hotel, including these General Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Processing Charter.


• Rooms and Services related to the Rooms. The categories of Rooms and the associated price list are made available to customers or displayed by the Company

• – at the Hotel reception;

• – on the Site;

• – on the online reservation operator’s site accessible via the Site;

• – upon request made directly to the Hotel reception or in an email to the Company at

The characteristics and prices of the Rooms, depending on the categories, are indicated to the Customer and can be consulted as stated above. The Customer who makes his reservation online is invited to observe and click on the icons and information links accessible throughout the reservation process, to ensure the content of his request and his reservation.

The Customer or the Host is invited to consult the Site, contact the Hotel or inquire at the Hotel reception to find out the terms and conditions of the services offered as accessories or in addition to the accommodation.

• The photographs of the Rooms reproduced on the Site or in the catalogues are presented for informational and illustrative purposes only and are not contractual; in particular, the layout and decoration of the Rooms made available may differ from the room of the same category represented in photographs on the Site or in the catalogues.

The T&Cs, Rates and other conditions of the Rooms and hotel services offered by the Company are established for the primary purpose and use of the Rooms, namely accommodation. The Company reserves the right to refuse reservations or to interrupt non-compliant stays or uses of the Rooms, or to propose other terms or conditions for renting the Rooms for other purposes such as filming, photography sessions, interviews, showrooms, etc.

Provision. The Rooms are made available from 3 p.m. on the day of the Guests' arrival and must be vacated no later than 12 p.m. on the day of departure. Any delay beyond this period will result in the invoicing of an additional night at the Rate then in force.

Eviction. In the event of force majeure, an exceptional event not attributable to the Client or the Host or a technical problem in the Hotel making the Guests' stay impossible, the Company will make every effort to offer alternative accommodation, if possible in a hotel of the same category as the Hotel.

Any additional costs incurred by the relocation, if applicable, will be borne by the Company. Force majeure means any event beyond the control of the party liable for the obligation, which could not reasonably have been foreseen when the contract was concluded and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, which prevents the performance of the obligation. If the impediment is temporary, the obligation is suspended unless the delay in performance justifies the termination of the contract. If the impediment is permanent, the contract is terminated automatically and the parties are released from their obligations. In addition to force majeure, the Company is not liable for the non-performance or poor performance of its services attributable either to the Client or the Host, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party; thus the Client will bear alone the additional costs that should be incurred for the continuation of his trip following the occurrence of such cases. In all cases, the Customer having accepted and actually benefited from the rehousing solution proposed by the Company waives any compensation or claim for the impossibility of accommodation at the Hotel and its consequences.


The Rates offered are established in euros, per Room and per night and for double occupancy and without breakfast, unless otherwise expressly indicated in the Rate. No reduction can be requested for single occupancy. The Rates include service and taxes except tourist taxes and additional taxes (regional or departmental), which will be added and indicated at the time of booking before any payment or confirmation by communication of bank details (see IV RESERVATION). Any changes to the tax or the applicable rate or the introduction of a new tax or regulation relating to taxes will be reflected in the price or the final amount invoiced to the Customer or the Host.

The Rates in force are displayed at the reception of the Hotel, on the Site or communicated upon special request from the Customer by email to the address or, exceptionally by telephone. They are subject to change at any time and without notice as long as the reservation is not confirmed, unless otherwise specifically quoted for the Customer.

Rates may vary depending on the date of the stay (season, day of the week, etc.). The Company may also offer specific or one-off Offers or Rates due to an event, a special occasion or any other reason at the discretion of the Company.

Rates offered to Customers by intermediaries must be the same as the Rates publicly displayed by the Hotel on the Site, on the booking platform or at the Hotel.


• The Customer is invited to consult the offer and availability of the Rooms and Rates on the desired dates of stay, at the reception of the Hotel, on the Site, by sending an email to the address or by telephone. The Company strives to communicate as best and as soon as possible the information relating to the availability of the Rooms, but this may be subject to changes and updates at any time. The availability of the Room is only confirmed and assured from the confirmation of the reservation by email from the Company as indicated below.

• The General Terms and Conditions and the Personal Data Processing Charter are accessible on the Site.

At certain times, prepayment of the stay may be required, without the possibility of reimbursement in the event of cancellation. Except in this case, when registering the reservation and for the purpose of confirming it, the Customer is asked to provide a reservation guarantee in the form of a bank pre-authorization by providing the details of a valid credit card in the name provided for the reservation (cardholder name on the card, credit card number, expiry date and cryptogram) via a secure link sent by the Company or directly on the online reservation platform. No bank authorization is taken by telephone. A maximum debit of 1 euro may be made to verify the validity of the card. The reservation is only taken into account by the Company once the total prepayment of the stay has been made, by bank transfer or bank or credit card (or cash if the reservation is made on site), or once the bank details and authorization given by the Customer have been received and validated.

When the Guest checks in upon arrival at the Hotel, a bank pre-authorization on a credit card in their name will also be requested as a guarantee for their stay (including in particular: accommodation services, consumption, additional services or other services of the company, damages and interest where applicable), for an amount ranging from one night to the entire stay.

In the event of an extension of the stay, the amount of the pre-authorization may be increased depending on the additional length of stay in order to confirm and guarantee the reservation.

When the Rate selected by the Customer for their reservation is subject to full prepayment of the stay, or when the collection of the sum of one euro is required for the reservation, the reservation (or order) obliges the Customer to pay.

In all cases, the Company sends the Customer an email summarizing the reservation and constituting firm and final confirmation thereof.


The Customer or Host pays for the entire stay, including services and benefits not included in the reservation and subscribed to by the Customer or Host during the stay, after deduction of any prepayments already made, if applicable, directly to the Hotel, at the latest upon departure of the Guest and return of the Room. The keys to the Room must be deposited at the Hotel reception, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. An invoice is given to the Customer or Host summarizing all the services provided.

Means of payment. The Company accepts payments

– in cash (euros only)

– by credit card, on site at the Hotel, on the reservation platform accessible via the Site, or by secure payment link; the credit cards accepted by the Company are as follows: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB;

– by bank transfer, to the Company’s bank details communicated upon express request of the Client or Host by email to (all transfer or transfer fees are entirely the responsibility of the Client or Host who makes the payment).

The Company does not accept payments by bank check, holiday voucher or traveler’s check.

Prepayments are made using any of the above payment methods. Payment of the balance at the end of the stay is made in cash, by bank card or, exceptionally, by transfer with the Company’s specific agreement.

Payment incident. In the event of a payment incident resulting in the cancellation, for any reason whatsoever, of all or part of the payment already made to the Company, the latter will have the discretionary power to cancel the reservation or to offer to renew it to the Customer or Host who requests it by making a new payment. The Customer or Host will be liable to the Company for all costs and charges incurred by the payment incident.


In accordance with Article L.121-20-4,2°, Article L.121-20 does not apply in the event of the provision of accommodation, transport, catering or leisure services which must be provided on a specific date or at a specific frequency. Consequently, the customer does not have the usual legal right of withdrawal.

Modification and cancellation (resolution) by the Customer. Reservations may be modified or cancelled (terminated) by the Customer or the Host according to the conditions of the Rate chosen by the Customer.

Other cases of cancellation or termination. The reservation is terminated automatically in the event of force majeure, due to an insurmountable and unforeseeable third party, or due to the Customer or the Host making it impossible to perform the service. The Company shall not incur any liability for the termination, or for failures in performance, resulting from these facts. The Company is entitled to cancel the reservation or the stay of the Host, or to terminate it, in the event of the latter's failure to comply with the conditions of use of the services offered by the Company or of behavior likely to cause any harm or disrupt the stay of other customers, whether or not they are staying at the Hotel. In this case, the Company will invoice or, in the event of prepayment, will retain the full price of the reserved stay.

Financial terms of cancellation. In the event of cancellation of the stay or termination of the reservation by the Client or the Host not in accordance with the conditions provided for in the Tariff, to which is assimilated the case of no-show of the Host on the arrival date indicated during the reservation without informing the Host or the Client on the postponement of this arrival date, the reservation will be considered as cancelled and the contract terminated entirely; the first night will be invoiced and debited according to the pre-authorization given, including if the Host has postponed his arrival date during his stay without canceling the first night in accordance with the conditions of the Tariff; in the event that a prepayment has been required and made, this will be retained in full by the Company. 1. – GUEST BEHAVIOUR AND RESPONSIBILITY

In general, the Guest is required to ensure the security of his personal belongings, not to leave them unattended in the Hotel grounds outside his Room and, when leaving his Room, to ensure that it is closed and locked. Each Room is equipped with a safe that is locked with a personal code. The Guest is strongly encouraged to use it and is required to store his valuable personal belongings there. Guests are also encouraged to avoid, as far as possible, bringing into the Hotel any items and effects that are clearly superfluous, useless or inappropriate for the trip or a stay at the hotel.

The Company shall not be liable for any theft, loss or other disappearance, or damage to these effects, in the event of negligence or imprudence on the part of the Guest or when the latter has disregarded the safety instructions provided by the Company in the General Terms and Conditions and in any other communication or display, particularly on site.

Guests are liable for any damage, deterioration and acts of vandalism occurring to both movable and immovable property in the Hotel or its outbuildings, whether or not belonging to the Hotel, during a stay at the Hotel. Where applicable, the Company may ask the Guest concerned to leave the Hotel before the end of their stay. The Customer and the Guest are jointly and severally liable for the amount of the entire stay as well as damages for the loss suffered.

The Hosts undertake not to invite any person whose behavior is likely to harm or cause a disturbance to the Hotel or to the customers, whether or not they are Guests, who are or may be in the Hotel or its outbuildings. The Customers and Guests are liable, in all cases, for the consequences of the harmful acts committed by the persons they have introduced.


Applicable law. French law alone is applicable to the relations between the Company and the Customer or the Host with regard to the offer, formation, execution or termination of reservations, the General Terms and Conditions and the contract.

Competent jurisdiction. To hear disputes between the Company and the Customer or the Host concerning or arising from the offer, formation, execution or termination of the contract, and more generally in the matter or in the interpretation of the contract, the estimate or the General Terms and Conditions, the French courts are exclusively competent.

Language of the contract. In the event of a dispute, only the French version of these general terms and conditions of sale will be authentic; it will prevail between the parties over any other version or translation.

