We know how to enjoy a good view. Before you come to gaze at the Eiffel Towel from our Rooftop, have a look at The Quinzerie Hotel’s best features.
A panoramic rooftop view, an elegant bedroom, a jacuzzi en suite, a discreet meeting, a serene walk in the garden or a moment of conviviality at the bar. Every moment, every smile at The Quinzerie Hotel is naturally yours.
Contemporary and comfortable, The Quinzerie Hotel’s 65 rooms and suites are uniquely designed for a refreshing stay in 15th arrondissement district of Paris. Private balcony, jacuzzi, view of the Eiffel Tower, lush garden... Each room has its own special feature.
We know how to enjoy a good view. Before you come to gaze at the Eiffel Towel from our Rooftop, have a look at The Quinzerie Hotel’s best features.